
School-led community

development through

research and innovation


This programme consists of weekly sessions that bring the students through the process of formulating an idea to actualising it as a solution in a real world context.

These sessions include:

Co-creation workshops

Students and/or teachers and/or relevant stakeholders are guided into a co-creation process to identify the issue to tackle and understand the role of each stakeholder to implement the programme. The topics that have been identified and developed are related with freshwater in the Geneva region, COVID-19, climate change, food waste and healthy soils.

Research sessions

Experts working on the identified topics are invited to provide a scientific contextualization of the theme, talk about recent developments and perspectives, set the research questions, as well as discussing technical constraints. After this, students start by doing their own research about the topic, guided by their teachers, before focusing on the technical solution to the problem.

Maker sessions

Over several sessions (5-10), students prototype and implement a technical solution using the tools, machines and materials available at Fab Lab Onl’fait.

Sharing session

Students are asked to share their work using different communication formats (e.g. social media, presentations, exhibition) and by presenting it in different contexts (e.g. at a students’ symposium, the Natural History Museum of Geneva or at their school).

Evaluation sessions

Students and teachers are asked to self-reflect and evaluate the programme and the activities, providing OSHub with relevant information to improve the implementation of Open Schooling programmes.

Importantly, in addition to the steps above, OSHub-CH also invests several hours in one-to-one meetings with teachers, thus creating trust and empathy relationships that are pivotal for the legacy of these programs. Finally, the programme described is flexible and can range from a month-long activity to two years of continuous work. The number of students, their personal profile, the school curriculum, and the time available are key elements to consider while co-designing the programme with teachers.